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So, why would a performance librarian need a website??

My answer is this: “why not?” We live in a time where pretty much everything has an online presence in some shape, way, or fashion. From people, to products, to pets, to even websites where you can unravel rolls of toilet paper as stress relief (I’m dead serious. Check it out: So, if there’s space for those things, then it only makes sense that there is space for me here, too. Right? Right!

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Who am I? I’m Nicole Jordan and in my day-to-day life I, as the Principal Librarian, am the leader of a small team that handles all the musical needs for The Philadelphia Orchestra. Sounds pretty simple, right? On the surface, it is! Making sure that the right piece of music is in the right place, at that right time, with the right person is my daily mantra, however the work and skills needed to have those three things happen every single day, without fail, is quite complicated. It requires the ability of a musician (I have a degrees in Viola Performance [B.M.], and Music History [M.M]), the research skills of a musicologist, the lingual prowess of a polyglot, enough knowledge to be dangerous in the ways of music composition, and oration skills that rival some of the best orators in history. There are some other hard and soft skills necessary for performance librarians, but you get the point. One has to be a jack of all trades and a master of (almost) everything!

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I love what I do! Well, not the paper cuts, but I digress...

I am someone who plays a pivotal role in bringing art and beauty into the world! You’d never know an individual like me is behind the scenes of your favorite orchestra/band/music group when you listen to them perform for you, however, you’d definitely notice if there wasn’t someone like me behind the scenes. No music? No performance.

When I am not supporting the work my onstage colleagues are doing, I am someone who loves showing and supporting others who are interested in my line of work and educating them! I help provide people with insight and tools to explore and/or further a career in performance librarianship.

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But who am I outside of that role? Well, many things. I’m a budding mixologist, an avid knitter/crocheter, a hardcore gamer (when my time/schedule allows), and a catlady in training. I’ve got a bunch of other hobbies and things I enjoy, too, and I am excited to have this space to share with you! Head on over to my blog to read my random musings, check out my calendar for upcoming events/engagements, or even better send me a note to chat about and speaking engagements/custom presentations you are interested in having me present!

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Choose Your Adventure:

Head over to my blog (coming soon!)
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